Monday 18 June 2007

Local attractions around Hereford

Today we were sticking a bit ‘closer to home’ and visiting some sites around Herefordshire. Margaret was able to come with us today, she had been wanting to visit Attingham and Barrington, so it was an ideal opportunity.

We started at Sudeley House. The house wasn’t open (is only open a couple of days each week, so we found out when we arrived!), but we were able to wander around the garden and visit the historic collection in the museum. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t that great, so we weren’t able to spend long, but did get to wander around, and got back to the car before the heavy rain started.

Next up was Attingham Park, again, the weather was a bit drizzly, so we headed straight inside the house for a wander around. It was a beautiful home, with lovely furniture and amazing ceiling decorations. The ceilings in most of these homes have very detailed plasterwork, often with paintings inlaid. The biggest surprise was the cows grazing on the front lawn! The house is surrounded by a working farm, and the cows are currently grazing in the ‘home’ field – literally!

From here, we headed back towards Peterstow, stopping at Barrington House on the way. Barrington House was similar to Attingham, but on a slightly smaller scale. Again, the House was surrounded by beautiful gardens, this time with sheep in the surrounding fields.

We headed home in time for a quick change before heading out to dinner at the local Broome Farm. The farm is primarily an apple orchard, growing apples to make cider. They brew the cider on the farm, and have tastings and sales during the day. There is also a B&B, that utilises the kitchen and dining space for a restaurant in the evenings. We had a lovely dinner, starting with drinks outside on the porch, then moving in for the Hereford Red Cheese Souffle, then mains (baked Cod fillet with herbed crumbs and tartare for Alison and Herefordshire beef fillet with tarragon and mustard sauce for Andrew) served with parmesan encrusted zucchini, new potatoes, honey and mustard seed glazed carrots, steamed broccoli and scalloped potato. This was followed by dessert (Margaret and Alison shared Chocolate Amaretto Pudding, and Andrew had Summer Pudding). We went home VERY full – it was all so delicious. Highly recommend anyone coming to Herefordshire to stop in at the Broome for dinner.


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