Sunday 5 August 2007

Alisons Birthday - the rest of the weekend

Saturday was a busy day. Unfortunately Derrick had a cold, and John had the flu, so we left them to have a restful morning while the rest of us headed to Chadstone and Koko Black. Koko Black has some wonderful chocolate goodies!

After a relaxing morning, we headed home in time for Sandra's arrival, and 'high tea'. We had cucumber sandwiches, ham and lettuce sandwiches, freshly baked scones with jam and cream, danish and all sorts of yummy things! It was all very filling, and really kept us going till well past dinner (which was left overs with hot chips!).

Sunday morning saw a hive of activity, with the barbeque being cleaned and tables brought in and set, ready for the rest of the rels (and some friends) over for bbq brunch. It was another great day, with lots of chatter and catching up. We finished around lunchtime with another delicious cake, this time cooked by Marylyn - a rich chocolate mud cake with chocolate curls.

We followed up with a lazy Sunday afternoon, taking the dogs to the park, and an early night - which was just as well as I had to go to a work conference for two days following, leaving Andrew with the job of cleaning up after the weekend!

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