Friday 27 June 2008

Back to Kuching

This morning was another early morning, after a restless night. There were 2 new groups in the guesthouse, one each side of us, both of whom had 'snorers'! One of our group (Jamie, one of the teachers) tried his hardest to get the man across from him to stop snoring, but to no avail (despite tipping water over him, trying to shake him, trying to roll him over, and even holding his nose!). So needless to say, when we got back on the bus it was a quiet trip, with most taking the opportunity to catch up on some sleep!

It was a fairly uneventful day, stopping at a pepper factory to see how it operated, and for lunch at a lovely waterfall, before going to a crocodile farm. Unfortunately I fell over at the waterfall on the slippery steps, but didnt hurt myself apart from some 'lovely' bruises!

The farm was very disappointing, with the animals caged in really cramped conditions, only having stagnant water. Obviously there isnt any RSPCA equivalent here.

Before long it was back to the hotel for a lovely long shower - well needed after 2 nights of hot sweaty jungle, with only cold showers with not much pressure!

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