Saturday, 27 February 2010

New weekend, new loaf...

Given the success last weekend of our second attempt at the Vermont Sour Dough, we were up for a challenge this week.  Instead of tring again to see if we could repeat our efforts, we thought it was time to try something new - Raisin Bread. 

Forgot to take photos along the way (bugger!), but it has turned out OK so far, despite messing up a couple of steps.

Some things of note - should have removed one oven rack and had the loaf lower in the oven.  Will have to remember this for next weekend!  Also forgot to score the top again - must leave the knife out at the last step!

  • Flour, levain and air all 75F
  • Friction 26F
  • Water 53F
We mixed up the levain a couple of nights ago, so it was a bit more mature than previously.  The original plan was to make up the first few steps last night and ferment in the fridge overnight, but got home to late (drinks after work with a friend too good an offer to refuse :)) and so all was done this morning.

Oven was hot when the loaf went in, and oven was steamed.  Turned oven down to 200C after 10min to make sure wouldnt over cook.  Outside appearance is good so this may have done the trick - now for the cutting...

The loaf hasnt cooled yet, so its a bit soft to cut, but the texture is really nice and even, soft, light - 'edible as bread rather than edible as toast', which is how any bread we have made before this book turned out!  Doesnt smell very sour, but will have another think when its cooled.

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